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Academic Articles and Chapters 

Journal Articles 

 “What’s the Use of Feminist and Queer Theory?: Reflections on a Messy Archive on the Move.”
Feminist Studies

“Presence and Absence: Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the Contemporary Abortion Landscape."

Human Geography

Animating and Sustaining Outrage: The Place of Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Abortion Justice.”

Human Geography

"Anti Abortion Ideology on the Move: Mobile Pregnancy Centers as Unruly, Unmappable, Ungovernable"
Political Geography

"Lesbian, Feminist, TERF: A Queer Attack on Feminist Studies"

Journal of Lesbian Studies

"Abortion as Gender Transgression: Reproductive Justice, Queer Theory, and Anti-Crisis Pregnancy Activism"
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 

"Critical Mass, Precarious Value?: Reflections on the Gender, Women's and Feminist Studies PhD in Austere Times"
Feminist Studies 

"The Post-Raciality and Post-Spatiality of Calls for LGBTQ and Disability Visibility"
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 

"The Politics of Narrative, Narrative as Politic: Rethinking Reproductive Justice Frameworks through the South Dakota Abortion Story "
Feminist Formations 

"From Refusing Stigmatization toward Celebration: New Directions for Reproductive Justice Activism" 
Feminist Studies 


Queering Reproductive Justice 

Under contract. Due 2022. University of California press’s Reproductive Justice series. 


Feminist Studies: Foundations, Conversations, Applications 

Under contract. Due 2023. Routledge. Textbook co-authored with Hemangini Gupta, Kelly Sharron, Abraham Weil. 

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